The Alchemist

The book is a beautiful adventure story about a Shepard boy named Santiago and his quest to fulfill his dreams. The book focuses on how sometimes pursuing our individual dreams actually makes a positive contribution to the "Soul of the World" or the collective consciousness. It shows us that obstacles are inevitable on the journey of life but they do not have to be the end of the road. Merely they are lessons allowing us to go deeper into ourselves or teaching tools for us to grow. While this book is fairly short and an easy read overall, it really challenges you to think about your own personal legend. It takes you on the hero's journey which we all are on even if we haven't yet recognized it.
Have you heard the call of your soul yet? Are you living your purpose or are on the path to do so? Or perhaps you haven't even considered you might have a purpose. But you do. We all do.
And some of the questions you can start asking yourself if you haven't figured out yours yet are the following:
- What are my passions, hobbies and interests?
- What am I good at or what do I excel at?
- What comes naturally to me?
- What area of life do I feel is lacking? Am I living in balance?
- If I had an unlimited supply of money, what would I be doing?
- How can I be best of service?
Start here and see if it starts to awaken your soul to your own quest. You have magic inside of you, you only need to figure out how to unlock it.