Article: Manifesting Your Best Life Now

Manifesting Your Best Life Now
If you could dream up your perfect life what would it look like? Perhaps for you it looks like having financial abundance, or freedom and opportunity to travel the world. Or maybe you want a beautiful house with a family, or a loving a passionate parter. Whatever the case may be I am here to tell you that you can have this life right now. We are living in a universe where we are the co-creators. Everyday our thoughts are creating our reality. Do you know what thoughts you are having throughout your day? Are they mostly positive or do they tend to sway towards the negative. Do you feel like a victim or do you feel empowered. Wherever you are on your journey, it is possible to change whatever isn't working in your life right now.
Maybe you're a pro at manifestation already or maybe you're a novice, but there are a few key things that are necessary to turn your biggest dreams into a reality.
1. Strong Desire- It is essential to get crystal clear on what it is you want and why. What are the key ingredients to your happiness? What lights you up? If you could imagine the life of your wildest dreams, what does it look like?
2. Evoke an Emotional Response- Once you decide what it is you want, ask yourself, how would it feel to have this thing or this experience? Really let yourself dream big and feel into the moment as if it is actually happening.
3. Believe it is possible- If you can dream it, then it can be a physical reality. Nothing is too big if it's truly in your heart. If someone else has done it, you can do it too. You have all the tools inside of you to succeed and achieve. And what you do not already know you can learn. We now have the Internet at our fingertips. With a little patience and discipline you can learn almost anything for free!
4. Affirm it- Know without a shadow of a doubt that what you desire is already yours. We live in an energetic universe where all possible realities exist at once. This means that what you want already is in existence you just need to match the vibration of it. Affirmations allow the mind and body to tune into the frequency of your desires.
Create affirmations in the present tense and repeat them as often as possible. If you are wanting to start your own business, than an affirmation could be, "I am a successful business owner. I have all the tools and finances I need to start today." Or if that feels a bit out of reach you could start with, "I am worthy of owning my own business." If you want to lose weight you could use the affirmation, "Losing weight is easy." or "I love my body and wake up everyday feeling healthy" Start small. Allow yourself to feel into these. The more emotion behind your affirmations, the stronger they are and the faster you will attract what you want.
5. Gratitude- Last but not least you need gratitude. What is already good in your life? What can you give thanks for? There is always something we can be thankful for and this is what is essential for manifesting what we don't yet have. Because the universe works in positives only. When we spend our days in a negative or lack mindset, we attract more negativity and more lack. Gratitude puts us in a more positive mindset. It allows us to remember all that we already have and all that we already are. We live in an abundant world. There is more than enough for everyone despite what some might want you to think. A gratitude journal or taking a few moments to notice what we are grateful for can put life back into a realistic perspective. It also brings us into the present moment which is all there really is.
What is in your heart? Who do you want to be? What do you want your life to look like? If nothing has seemed to work so far, why not give this method a try? Test it out and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised at the magic of the Universe and the magic that lies within you.
You can create your dream world starting right now because you are the co-creater of your life. Now is your time to shine!
- Samantha